Elegant Admin·February 23, 2017
Today’s most efficient way of illuminating and lighting is undoubtedly LED. When compared with older lighting technologies such as Incandescent, Halogen and CFL bulbs, you will find that LED is by far the most energy saving and smart solution.
Elegant Admin·November 23, 2016
LED light bulbs unlike incandescent or halogen have the option to come in both non-dimmable and DIMMABLE led versions. This is because when LED light bulbs were first released, it was uncommon for them to be dimmable. As LED bulb internal electronics became more advanced, dimming became possible and ultimately we are at the point today where dimming is essentially a no-cost or low cost adder to most LED bulb types.
Elegant Admin·August 16, 2016
You certainly hear and read a lot about the advantages and benefits of the energy efficiency of LED light emitting diodes vs traditional lighting. When you compare them to other energy-saving illumination methods that are available on the market today, you will find that LED lighting is by far the most power-saving and smart solution for illumination.
Elegant Admin·March 14, 2016
LEDs offer a huge variety of benefits but at the same time they cannot be viewed as the optimum solution for every lighting-related application. Here, in no particular order, we list some of the main advantages of LEDs, together with some of the challenges faced by these devices.